KAIST와 함께하는 2022 국제연합(UN) 세계기초과학의 해 기념행사(Celebration for 2022 the International Year of Basic Sciences with KAIST) | ||||
기초과학과 함께하는 토크 콘서트 '알쓸기잡 및 Lab 체험 행사’ 기초과학 분야에 저명한 과학자 3분을 모시고 대중들의 눈높이에서 재미있게 풀어내는 기초과학과 함께하는 토크 콘서트와 물리, 수리, 화학, 생명분야 최고의 연구가 진행되고 있는 다양한 Lab을 오픈하여 체험 행사를 진행하오니 많은 관심과 참여를 당부드립니다.
There would be “알쓸기잡”, a talk concert with basic sciences that invites 3 renowned scientists to discuss basic sciences with fun, at the level of the public, and Hands-on Labs that you can experience the top-notch research in the fields of Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/Biology! Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for your interest and support!
○ Date & Time: Oct 8 (Sat) - Basic sciences talks and discussion “알쓸기잡” (14:00 ~ 16:00) - Hands-on Labs (16:00~18:00) ○ Venue : KI(KAIST Institutes B/D) Fusion Hall (E4) - Zoom : https://kaist.zoom.us/j/88609037947 - YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/KAISTofficial ○ Pre-registration: https://forms.gle/B5FKFkxAgfzp4yYq7 - Pre-registration available before 12:00 on Oct 3 (Mon) ○ Moderator (MC): Professor Hawoong Jeong (Department of Physics, KAIST) ○ Speakers: - Professor Sang Wook Kim (Department of Physics, KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY) - Professor Jaeseung Jeong (Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, KAIST) - Professor Daesoo Kim (Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST) ○ Souvenirs for 250 firstcomers on-site ○ Inquiry: Academic & Student Affairs Team for College of Natural Science, Bong-Yeo Lee (T. 2472)