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2023 Nobel Prize 수상 업적 해설 강연 개최 안내(Commentary Lectures on 2023 Nobel Prize Winning Achievement by College of Natural Sciences, KAIST)
  • 작성자관리자
  • 작성일2023.10.18 17:30
  • 조회수1696
2023년 생리의학물리화학 분야에서 노벨상을 수상한 수상자들의 연구업적에 대한 해설 강연을 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의
많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
The College of Natural Sciences (CNS) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is hosting a
lecture to introduce the achievements of the 2023 Nobel Prize laureates in physiology or medicine, physics, and chemistry.
This will be an excellent opportunity to gain insights into the remarkable careers and research focus of the prize winners. 
The lecture is open to everyone, so we invite you to join us for this event.
 일시(Date): November 1(Wed), 12:00~13:00
  • Physiology or Medicine: 12:00 ~ 12:20
    박수형 교수 (의과학대학원)

    Professor Su-Hyung Park(Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering) 

  • Physics: 12:20 ~ 12:40
    이상민 교수 (물리학과)
     Professor Fabian Rotermund (Department of Physics)
  • Chemistry: 12:40 ~ 13:00
    박정영 교수 (화학과)
    Professor Jeong Young Park (Department of Chemistry) 
  • MC
    김희연 교수 (물리학과)
    Professor Heeyeon Kim (Department of Physics
○ 장소(Venue): 창의학습관 1층 터만홀 (E11, 1F Turman Hall)
 Zoom : https://kaist.zoom.us/j/87383359562
○ 문의(Inquiry): 자연과학대학 교학팀 T. 042-350-2472, bylee@kaist.ac.kr
○ 현장 방문 선착순 200명 쉑쉑버거와 음료 제공
    First 200 attendees with refreshment(Shakeshack burgers&drinks)
※ Zoom에서 동시통역이 제공될 예정입니다.
   Korean Talk, Simultaneous Interpretation into English available on Zoom